
Publish Your Articles in the Journal Apero Fublic of Humaniora

About Us


PT. Media Apero Fublic is the name of a Publication and Information company with a national private legal entity status, PT. Media Apero Fublic. Established on January 7, 2020 in Palembang City based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number AHU-0000676.AH.01.01 of 2020, stipulated in Jakarta. With Notary Deed of Yenni Faryanti, SH., M.Kn number AHU-17. AH. 02.1.

Apero Fublic was originally the name of a Facebook account that was intended to pioneer a press company. The word Apero was taken from the name of a Muslim scientist during the Islamic Spain (Al-Andalusia) era in the Middle Ages named Ibn Rushd. The word Apero was simplified by the Europeans' mention of Ibn Rushd's name, Averroes. Ibn Rushd himself had the full name Abu Al-Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Rushd.

The Muslim scientist Ibn Rushd was born in Cordoba-Spain, during the Murabithun emirate in 1126 AD. Ibn Rushd or Averroes died on December 11, 1198. During his life he served as a court doctor and judge during the Muwahhidun Caliphate. He mastered various disciplines; including philosophy, medicine, faith, jurisprudence, astronomy, physics, history and linguistics. The name Averroes (Ibn Rushd) was inspired by the name of the company, PT. Apero Public Media.

Meanwhile, the meaning of the word Public is taken from the word Public. In KBBI, public means many people, general or wide audience. The word public is also the basis for the formation of the words publication, publishing, published, and publication. Where these words represent the world of journalism or the press. Publication also means presenting something to the public and can be known by many people (society). For the replacement and use of the word F as a differentiator in search engines on the internet (google, yahoo, ebay etc.), so that it gets the top rating.

PT. Media Apero Fublic pioneered the Publication and Information business sector. Apero Fublic's first business sector is engaged in the world of journalism. Apero Fublic will also devote itself to science and develop science and public education while exploring human values. Not only providing information but also providing education. That is the identity of Apero Fublic, a company that combines Business and Science. As honest Western scientists call the scientific tradition of today's humans with the term Averoism. That's how Apero Fublic is present in society.

The company logo is in the form of the letters A and F which mean Apero Fublic. The blue color gives a signal that Apero Fublic is a company that upholds humanity. The press as an effort and struggle for humanity. Blue symbolizes the honesty and globalization of Apero Fublic in trying and publishing the results of work. The red color reflects the courage to divide the truth and convey the voices of justice. The white color gives a signal that Apero Fublic upholds peace, goodness, honesty and peace.




1. Apero Fublic Journal. Humanities.

A scientific journal containing the latest articles with scientific research. Contains fields of study in the humanities including: history, culture, anthropology, archeology, psychology, philosophy, literature, art, sociology, politics, theology, philology, and linguistics. Published every two months.

2. Apero Fublic Tabloid.

A tabloid specifically for information about the Muslim world. Published every three months.

3. Apero Fublic Bulletin

A bulletin that specifically discusses one main issue in detail and thoroughly. Published every week.

4. Kaghas Magazine

Kagas Magazine, Information for the South Sumatra Community. Published one edition every month.

Publishing Books: General Books, Children's Books, Institutional Books, Module Books, Novel Books, Anthology Books, Textbooks, Research Books, History Books, Culture, Technology, Health Books, Scientific Works and others.


Sy. Apero Fublic